Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween 2013

I love Halloween.  I always have, even though I was always more or less disappointed by it in my youth.  Its truly something special, now that its far beyond its roots of scaring away the dead, and is all about dressing up as something, or someone you aren’t.

Sure, most women chose to dress up sexy, but in the end, who doesn’t WANT to feel alittle sexy?  Especially when its all just in fun.

Some of the best stuff, though, is when someone can do a fantastic makeup job.  My step-daughter can do amazing things with liquid latex and paint.  Last year some kid walked out of our house looking like he had been in a very bad motorcycle accident.  I think its just a shame she doesn’t really get into it, she could probably make a ton of money this week if she jumped all in.

Its honestly got me thinking about my photography, and how great it would be to have that kind of makeup on a model.  It would be something that no one in the entire region does, so there’s always that.

But I’m getting off topic.  Halloween.  I love it.  The best stories come out this time of year, because they coincide with wanting to dress up and play something special.  This year Lisa and I had a huge dilema as to how to dress up.  She wanted to be Harley Quinn, which I guess makes me the Joker.  I personally think she’d make a great female Joker.  They had an amazing Sally dress in Hot Topic the other day, which make me think about being Jack Skelington.

As far as what we’ll do, there’s no telling.  Its not like we’re going to go anywhere, because we get to experience one of the greatest thrills associated with Halloween.  We are going to be sitting out front of the house handing out candy.

We get to see all the kids all dressed up, and the babies.  All the personalities of children, some who are bold when wanting their loot, others who are extremely timid.  Lisa will love all the babies, and want to hug every one.  It will even be fun to see the teens who dress up, just out enjoying the night.

With the children, come the parents, so we’ll be able to wave and say high to the community as they stop by.  Catch up on gossip, or just see people that hardly ever make it by.  In the end, its truly the most wonderful night of the year, and the day after we get tons of candy at half price and we get our Halloween decor for next year at half price as well!

Candy, fun, people dressing up, community, and scarey stuff.  Yeah, it’s the best holiday ever!

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