Showing posts with label social commentary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social commentary. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012

Escape of a lifetime.

What is it about traveling that makes people more worldly? I guess the answer is obvious, but it is pretty amazing at how those who have left their home and moved far away have so much more wisdom and insight.  In my home town, everyone is so stuck in a rut, and I can see that in other places, but never as bad as that place.

I admit, I’m not as much of a gypsie as some people, but I was born in Texas, lived in North Carolina for eleven years, lived close to Little Rock, AR. For a year, and now I’m in Oklahoma. Rural OK at that. Its been a wonderful life, and I’ve been amazed at what I’ve seen and how far I’ve come, but I still find those people, whom are older, yet they just don’t seem to have this experience with life.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

On the Subject of Taboo

Why is Taboo so taboo? So many things in life need to be shared, yet are described as so socially unacceptable. It seems so crazy that people get ostracized to much for something that should be so common place.

Know your body, and dress accordingly. That is a mantra I wish people would take up. I’ve seen so many people, dress in spandex, then they are borderline morbidly obese. Its nasty. Yet that is not taboo, as a sexy woman showing a bit of cleavage.... A while back, I met a woman who was extremely baffled by the male lust for her breasts, when in her words, "They are just utters...."

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