Showing posts with label up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label up. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Make-up Routine

My wonderful husband has asked me to write another blog.  Of course I said yes.  (Well…after he asked me a few times….)  At first I didn’t know what to write about.  Then it hit me.  I remember last week when I took my daughter into college with us.  I sat on the front row and my daughter, C.J. sat in the seat next to me.  A lady a few seats over said, “So, you brought you’re little sister to class with you?”

Of course I smiled while my daughter looked at her like she just hit her and said, “No, she’s my mom!”

The lady’s mouth opened and she said, “Are you kidding me?”

Friday, December 14, 2012

(poem) - How My Day Starts

There’s nothing quite like
Waking up every day
Going to the computer
And blogging away

If only that was
All that it entailed
There’s so many other things
That get me derailed

Socializing and commenting
Reading other blogs
You have to do these things
To power your cogs

Discussions and talks
Everyone has many names
These are all forums
No matter the claims

And here I sit
Making friends from everywhere
When writing like crazy
Is what I hold most dear

I suppose its good
Being all for the best
It takes an audience reading
For ideas to digest

My life has a new crazy
The creation has sparked anew
I cannot understand
How I deserve you

I write and I write
And its all just for fun
Yet readers come back
Again and again

I’m humbled and excited
A duality of pleasure
And I will continue to write my best
For every measure


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

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