Monday, October 29, 2012

A Disorder, or Just Being Mean

Why do people have to spread a bad mood?  I know the Metallica song, “Misery Love Company,” but seriously, why would anyone do that intentionally?  It seems like the main phone calls we get are from someone who just HAS to make sure everyone is in a bad mood....

A while back, in another blog, I mentioned the Borderline Personality Disorder, or BPD.  I honestly have issues with ‘clinical problems’ because these are just things people have always had, we just finally gave it a name, and now that it has a name, we can now medically treat it....  Most disorders don’t need to be treated, they just need to be gotten over, but sometimes, you run across bad ones that need some kind of intervention.

BPD is one of these bad ones.  If you don’t know about it, you should glance over the wikipage I linked, but in short, its all about ‘absolute’ flip flopping, and mood disturbances that go well beyond the normal ‘swings.’  It’s a harsh one, and a VERY harsh one if you know someone who has it.  I just wish there was an easy way to diagnose it that the people that are diagnosed could accept.

Being the brunt of someone who has this disorder is unbelievable and painful.  You want to be sympathetic, but its hard not to want to shoot that person in the face.  They will leave you emotionally and spiritually beat down, and they will relentlessly dismantle you.

But what happens when someone is undiagnosed and acts like they have it?  That I have no answer to, because that’s what we’re dealing with.  I wish I as a qualified mental health professional, because just saying someone has a disorder, especially one that severe, is rather derogatory.  But when they display all the signs, and are so relentless in making sure you suffer because they have some imagined problem that they can’t live past and if you don’t feel their pain then you are the devil....

*sigh* I’m just sick of it all, I guess.  How one can be having a perfectly good morning, and it be totally ruined because of a phone call that just makes everyone sit back and go, “The hell was that about?”  The best advice I can give anyone, is just to limit your contact with that person, no matter who it is, because it will only harm you in the end, and it may have the added effect of affecting everyone around you....  Life is crazy enough, without the added stress of someone spreading poison....


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