Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Well is Dry

I hate it when the well runs dry.  Its easy to do, hit a point of art where you’ve just created so much recently, you cannot create anymore.  I loathe to admit it, but its happened quite a bit recently.  I think it comes from transcribing so much of Lisa’s book at once.

I typed around 50 pages in a week, on top of writing blog posts, tweeting, doing facebook, talking on social networks to other bloggers, and watching TV with my wife.  By the end of the week, I looked at my blank WordPerfect screen and threw up my hands....

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

There Will Always Be Days Like Yesterday

Those frustrating days when nothing seems to be appreciated.  Yeah, I have those.  Most know me as a perfectionist when it comes to editing, and a creator when it comes to writing and photography.  But the fact is...its really hard to write and create simply because there are days when you wonder if anyone is reading at all....

Sure, this blog gets ‘plenty’ of views, but how many stop and read?  Not many comment, that’s for certain.  So how can I even tell how many read?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Emerald Refection of the Future

There’s nothing quite like fumbling around with an online store front.  It can be a bit frustrating, but once you get the hang of it, it can just be a bit time consuming.  But in the end, its always worth it to have product out there for sale.

Ever since I got my very first camera, I’ve always wanted to use it for something.  For years I lived in one of the most beautiful places in the entire world, and I used the time there to learn to take some truly spectacular shots of nature.  Sunsets, flowers, and landscapes.  Every great now and then I’d get a girlfriend who’d stand in front of the camera, or a friend that would go hand out and bring along kids.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Artistic Work

I have never written so much in my entire life.  I can easily compare it all to my early adulthood, when I was writing 8 hours a day.  I spend so much time in front of the computer now, its crazy.  And I have nothing but a backlog of work.

Thing is, its not just the writing, it’s the photography, the blog’s promotion, the working with Lisa on her newest novel, brainstorming.  I’m completely shocked at how much there is to do now that I have absolutely nothing to do.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rivers of Inspiration in our Home

There’s something rather insane about living in this house.  Mainly...its the people in it.  Everyone in this house is a artist of some sort.  It makes the conversations interesting, with never a dull moment to be had anywhere....

One of the main things that attracted me to Lisa was her being a published author.  Not a self-published mind you, a real published author.  You can see her books over on the right hand column.  They are quite imaginative, and an interesting read.

Friday, April 19, 2013

(poem) - Photographer's Vision

A click and a flash
A memory saved to a card
Seems so amazing
How technology has come so far

But when its turned
Into an art
It makes people stop
And simply take part

The idea that we can
Capture moments from this amazing life
Makes it all seem alittle more worth
All the damnable strife

And strife I’ve seen
Caused by the camera I hold
But it was all worth it
Because my pictures are so bold

I’ve always seen the beauty
Of the setting sun
But I never believed
I’d capture a breathtaking one

But I did
With my camera
And it takes my breath away
Let me tellya

I often believe
That I dream in color
Because my dreams are
More vivid than I can remember

Yet sometimes
Through the lens
I see something so spectacular
My soul feels a cleanse

Everyone sees art
In a different way
But I know what I saw
On that picture’s day

Because I look upon it
In my portfolio
Along with other shots
That made me exclaim, “Whoa!”


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Artistic Passion of a Photographer

My journey through photography is nothing short of a story unto itself.  Like most things in my life, there is no simple explanation.  What makes the story interesting to me, is that I can remember every twist and turn there was in the adventure, where as most stories lose details to the sands of time.

It all started when my parents came into some family money, and they sent me about $8,000.00.  I knew that I had wanted to get into some form of photography, but I wasn’t sure how.  When that money hit, I started doing some serious research.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Emerald Reflection Photography, Open for Business

Most who know me, know I truly taking photos.  For those that were around for the wedding, they got to see me get my wedding present, and be the victim of it.  My knew Nikon D5200 is an amazing piece of technology, that I truly enjoy.

Me and My D5200
in a mirror.
When Lisa started talking about getting it for me for my wedding present, we sat down and really looked at what we both wanted me to have.  Lisa looked over my photos, listened to my vision, and made a big decision.

And that vision finally culminated in us making Emerald Reflection Photography.  Our missions is to run a photography business that will cater to those that need portraits, events, or special photos taking in an artistic and professional way.  This also includes all photo treatments I c
an achieve with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom.  I also plan to offer interesting photo-manipulations in some packages.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Family Portraits: Autumn 2012 - Part 2

((Continued from Part 1))

Back in the Fall of 2012, I took the family out for some portraits.  Continued from Part 1, here are some of the best I selected to talk about and display here on the blog.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Family Portraits: Autumn 2012 - Part 1

During the Fall, the family went out to take some shots with me.  We decided to pull off some family portraits.  The lighting wasn’t the best, but we made the most out of the trip, and I got several amazing shots.  In this post, I shall share some of the twenty two keepers, and talk a little about what I did to the photos, and what I could have done better with them.  Either way, it’s a show case of my photography, and I hope everyone enjoys this look into my life.

Friday, October 26, 2012

(poem) - The End of the World

I swear I will stay with you
As our love is unfurled
Even if we stand
At the end of the world
The sun will set
On another dying day
And I sleep soundly knowing
I loved you in every way

I slip into the dream
And you are waiting for me there
I cannot escape you
For you are everywhere

You smile at me
While I sleep in your arms all curled
Because you know I’ll be there
At the end of the world.

We wake together
Witnessing the sun rise
We know today holds
Absolutely no goodbyes

And as the day goes on
We enjoy it all the more
Because it is each other
Whom we most adore

Around the sun
The clouds have swirled
Shading us together waiting
At the end of the world.

The world may end tomorrow
Yet it may end this day
I know that you will always
Give thanks and pray

For all that we have
And all that we do
Because our most publisised phrase
Is, “Baby, I love you.”

And yet the Earth continues on
Spinning and whirled
And nothing between us changes
Even, at the end of the world.


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

((as always, my photography is taken by me, copyright be me, so please do not use without permission))

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Nice Little Forest for Photography

I love photography, I love going out and having sessions somewhere.  Finding landscapes that are truly wonderful.  I admit, that I’m not the best when it comes to shooting models.  But I’m learning, and I know I can still get great shots with perseverance.

For this adventure, Fall had just started, Lisa went over to her best friend’s house, and my step-daughter and I tagged along.  Unfortunately all the batteries for my camera was dead, so I used my fiance’s cell phone.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why I Use a Camera.

 Most people that know me, know that I do more than just write.  I love photography.  Somewhere along the way I got passably good at it.  Well, definitely not just somewhere, I know where I got it from, but still, this blog is more about what fun it is to get a good shot, and how I got them.

Remember to always get a good angle.  That’s the key.  There are many ideas about symetry and other things, and you always have to be conscious of that, but when it all comes down to it, the angle is always the key.

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