Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2013

What is 'Rushing' into Love?

Lisa and I had what most would call a whirlwind romance.  We met through an online dating service, which took quite a bit of luck in and of itself, and then we just FELL.  Before we even met in person we knew there was something interesting there, and after that first meeting, we both had fallen for each other.

We tried to keep from rushing as much as we could, and every time we did ‘hold back’ it would cause strife between us.  I still, to this day, catch grief for not wanting to say “I love you” first even though we both felt it.

Friday, May 10, 2013

(poem) - The Choice of Happiness or Pain

Things progress through time
Even when the lines don’t rhyme
Flowing down a river
Into a happy ether.

Dreams normally speak to me
Of things beyond reality
Yet now they speak of the present
Where love is quite pleasant

Yet how am I supposed to create?
Isn’t pain creativity’s bait?
Maybe I’m wrong
Because pain fed me for so long....

Happiness is an amazing thing
I feel as if I’m flying up a string
But when I sit down to write
The easiest thing to plot is a plight

There are those that create
Where happiness doesn’t abate
They inspire me unbelievably so
With love’s undeniable throw

But when I do such a thing
I start to wonder about flooding
Too much of something can drown
How much should I share before I clamp down?

The things I worry about are silly
Of course my wife and I are touchie feelie
But I know you don’t want to read that
Day after day of love’s mushy format

Luckily there are day to day problems
That need working out with a blog’s dictums
I might be happy as a lark
But there are still problems quite stark

With life in general, and life all around
Like how most of today’s youth is Hellward bound
And luckily, with my happiness where it is
I can use my inspiration to find the best solutions

For that is why I read blogs myself
To work through the pains I sit on a shelf
My dreams of love can fully abound
Because of this way out I found

I shall write and write and write some more
Because writing is something I fully adore
And my wife will fully attest
For she loves my writing the best

So I do it for myself and I do it for her
And I will continue to mention she makes my soul purr
Even when I write about pain
It will always come back to my love for her, again and again.


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Completion of Ourself

One of the things I direly wished for in a life partner was the ability to bounce ideas off, and have ideas bounced off in return.  When I discovered Lisa, I wondered, deep down, if I had found this rare quality....

Once, in what seems like a very long time ago, I was stuck in writing this massive fantasy novel, which I never completed because of other reasons.  But, that’s not the point.  The point is, I was stuck.  I had written myself into corner.  And honestly, I was lost.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Beauty of What I Do

Part of me wants to truly believe that art lives within everyone and that anyone could recognize and appreciate beauty.  Unfortunately I know that just isn’t the case.  The world is an ugly, ugly place, full of violence, hatred, and so many things that should make anyone ponder what everything is all about.

Fact is, beauty is something rare, even if it is all around us, and it should be cherished.  One of the greatest beauties in the world is simply to create.  I’m shocked to say this, but There was a country singer who said something truly amazing the other day as I was watching TV.  He said, “If I couldn’t do this for a living, I’d still do this.”  I thought about that quote and instantly applied it to myself.

The problem is...I don’t do this for a living.  I sure wish I did, but yeah...this is most definitely a hobby.  There’s so much I want to do with writing, so many stories to tell, that I know I am simply enjoying writing, and that I enjoy it enough to do it no matter what.  No one knows how truly blessed I am to be able to do this as much as I do.

Luckily with the wedding over, Lisa and I are finding ourselves a bit more time to get down to what we need to be doing.  In the weeks leading up to the wedding, I got seriously behind on my blogging schedule, and I still have tons to do to catch up, but at least I’m getting the opportunity to.

Writing has always been something I’ve loved to do.  I’ve always had a fantastical imagination, and one of the true joys of such an imagination is to share the stories, share the dreams.  The idea that I can write something, and someone else read it, and it affect their lives is something truly extraordinary, and beautiful.

And I honestly say that from experience at both ends.  I’ve read such wonderful things in my life, that have opened up my heart, soul, and mind to things beyond reality, giving me new dreams and old friends.  I’d like to think I’m working towards that goal of doing the same for someone else.

Beyond all of that, though, is me just having the time to do this, the time to create.  Time that I use to full advantage, and a wife that doesn’t see it as a waste of time.  Even if I never see anything out of it, she is truly appreciative of the art that I make here, and the writing that I do.

I might have just married the perfect woman for me, but I know that deep down, I will always strive to deserve her, because I never feel that I will.  I am humbled and awed by her so many times each and every day.  She believes in me and pushes me in every way, even if she doesn’t understand the vision, simply because she believes in me and trusts me.  And I know, that I will forever be sure that I earn that from her.

Creating is something amazing, and I get to do it on a daily basis, and share it with you, my readers.  Whether or not I succeed in doing it entertainingly enough is in your eyes, but the fact that I get to try is all because of Lisa.  “I don’t do this for a living, but I still do it.”  And that is something truly wonderful.

Friday, February 15, 2013

(poem) - Valentines Day 2013

I know exactly
What some people say
The card companies got together
And made up Valintines Day

Fact is I don’t care
Because the day has a wonderful vibe
Knowing love is in the air
Makes life worth the ride

Every day I wake up
And try to make her know I love her
But on Valintines Day
The effort is a blur

There are cards and gifts
In all the stores
All begging you to buy
All the more

The best day
Is the day after
When its all half off
Which causes me much laughter

But the day itself
Is a wonderful day
And I’ll show that I love her
In every single way

The weekend that follows
Will be full of fun
Because we will go out walking
Under the bright sun

And I will profess
My love to her
For she is my world
And there’ll not be another

She will smile
And we will kiss
We will be married
And know such bliss

For she is my love
My lover and friend
And will forever be
Beyond whatever end.


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Joy of Homemade Bread

There’s something wonderful about doing nice things for people that could use some nice things done for them.  Recently, I started making my bread homemade by hand.  It tastes better, lasts longer, and is just plain awesome when you get down to it.  Especially considering how honestly easy it is to make....

Cooking and baking are crazy little things, so many things can go wrong, and frankly people are just afraid or lazy about the prospect.  I don’t really blame them, I’ve always been kind of scared to make my own bread, when its already decently cheap from the store.  I guess that changed when I first ate at Panera Bread.

Friday, February 1, 2013

(poem) - The Amazing One

She calls me the amazing one
And I do not know why
She is the amazing one
To my discerning eye

She’s taken my life
And given it meaning
Turned it around
From that fateful online meeting

My life was changed
That very day
I saw her picture
And I fell for that display

She answered my reply
Starting the romance
That led to our marriage
And our current dance

She wakes up next to me
Every single day
Greeting me with a kiss
I cherish in every way

She gives me the freedom
To pursue my passions
Writing and Photography
Including snuggling sessions

I get to cook anything I want
And try out new recipes
For you never know what I’ll whip up next
That will change our dieting.

The woman is a beauty
To simply sit back and behold
I could simply watch her breath
If the truth be told

I stare into her eyes
For lengths at a time
And get lost again and again
Hearing the angels chime

I could build her up
And put her on a pedestal
But she belongs by my side
Marring her is nothing more than a sequel

To the romance that started
Not so long ago
For we are completely locked
Within passions throws

She caused all this
Because she replied to my hello
She is the amazing one
That is what I know.


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

Friday, January 25, 2013

(poem) - Exercise Push

There’s nothing like
Going on a diet
Knowing that you can’t eat food
Even if you see it.

The thought of
Not packing away the food
Is a strange one
Putting people in a sour mood

But the fact is
I’m not active enough
To get rid of
All my ‘fluff’

The fact of the matter is
I’m getting more and more out of shape
And upon the horizon
I can see my wedding date

My goal is to be healthy
I know I haven’t been recently
My stamina has dropped down
Quite drastically

So what am I to do
But diet and exorcize?
I know I don’t want to go up
In my current pants size

One thing about writing
It takes a toll on the body
For you remain at rest
A big softy

But the biggest thing to realize
Is I’m the man of the house
So I must be ready
To Move boxes and fend off a mouse

Luckily at this time
I can walk quite a ways
Because exercise is my friend
At least that’s what I say these days....

Which is a motto
I shall continue
Because I must
Attempt to rescue

My body and my soul
Need me more than ever
Because being unhealthy
May very well sever

My bonds to this mortal coil
And I tell you this with all earnest
I have reason to live
My life to the fullest

So healthy I shall be
For the sake of others beyond me
I will forgo being flabby
And do my best to be healthy.

Because my life
Is not my own anymore
It belongs to my wife
Because it is she that I so completely adore.


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

One Month Left Until Wedding!

It is now less than one month until my wedding, and we are definitely feeling the rush here in the Brainless Nod Household.  Yeesh....  Luckily we have everything in order that we can control, and are both looking forward to the date.

It’s been a wonderfully crazy experience so far.  A wedding definitely tests a couple’s connection.  One person wants certain things, the other wants other things.  Luckily Lisa and I have really had no real issues with wars over the little things.  Sure, we both can get bent out of shape, but it’s a good lesson in how to work together to the best of each other’s abilities.

Monday, December 17, 2012

An Empty House

There was a moment, when being home alone was such a great concept.  You figure, as I blog from home, and I spend much of my time blogging in seclusion, that having the whole house to myself would help engineer more creativity.  Yet for some reason it doesn’t.

I guess its true them, I’m too much in love to be alone.  That’s one thing, I don’t think, any of my exes ever got.  I don’t like to be left alone.  Being in love with a person, really moves that person to the forefront of my life.  That person become my muse.  And without them casually interrupting me for something as simple as a kiss, I get distracted and start missing them.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Beauty of a Woman

I personally think, that the human female form is the most beautiful thing in the universe.  The curves, the strength, the way it moves....  Poetry in motion.  Beauty at its best.  Maybe I am partial because I am a guy, but honestly, there’s nothing sexual about it.

But people perceive me saying so as being sexual.  Being an artist at heart, both as a writer and a photographer, I enjoy lines and curves and beauty.  I find it inspiring and wonderful when I can find beauty no matter where I find it.

Friday, December 7, 2012

(poem) Sins of the Past

Is all the pain
That I have felt
Equal to or more
Than the pain I have dealt?

Surely it is less
But who can honestly tell
That we take
More than we give hell?

Its been an amazing life
To be sure
I just pray
There is no more pain to endure.

The loneliness is gone
Replaced with a wife
And her teenage fawn

The past is behind me
The future is so bright
How did my life
Suddenly turn out right?

Did I pay
For the sins of old
I swear that I have paid
The sum total of threefold

I guess I shall see
As time goes forever on
If it was enough
For me to have a happy dawn

That will spread
Throughout the noon of my life
And continue through
The afternoon with my wife

So we can
Grow old together
And never worry
About nary a blunder


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Quality Content is King, We Proved It

There are so many people, on so many websites, clamoring for ‘help’ with blogging.  They all seem to be asking the same questions, “How do I drive traffic?”  And it seems like everyone always answers the same thing, “Write quality articles!”  But what exactly does that mean?

Obviously I can’t completely answer that question for everyone.  Here at ABN, we write whatever we want to write about, so I’m not sure this advice would apply concretely to bloggers that want to write about SEO or technology reviews, but maybe, just maybe, those that write those sites will gain insight into writing by my own experience here.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Value to Love

How did I suddenly become so happy?  And how long will this last?  Most of my life has been this ball of craziness, running from places I hate, and that hate me, to places of extreme beauty.  I’ve lost so many things in this life, so many failures....  Its quite amazing to look back at it all and just marvel how it all fell apart so many times.

But things have to fall apart for you to rebuild something better.  Seems I’ve always been a master at picked up the pieces.  I’ve had so many people need my help through life, picking up their pieces.  So many friends have come and gone, so many times have I helped these friends with the fallout of something or other, only to have them go back through that revolving door.

Friday, November 23, 2012

(poem) Sanity in an Evil World

Even as I dream,
I wake up crying
Knowing that the world,
Is outside dying.

Someone is out there
Being lied to by a dove
Someone else is getting hit
by someone they love

This world is an evil
Masochistic place
Where evil parades around
With a sadistic face

I long to scream
And make it better
Yet noone raises a hand
Or writes a letter

I can’t believe
How scary life truly is
When it all seems to fly by
Without much flavor or fizz.

How can I stand up tall
And enjoy all of this life
When everyone else
Seems to struggle with the strife?

The answer is simple
Yet completely sad
My life is my own
And not to make you mad

But what others do
Does not concern me a bit
For everyone else in the world
Seems to be throwing a fit

I’ll lie in my hammock
And sway in the breeze
While reading my Kindle
Enjoying a book about zombies

And all you silly people
Can keep on fighting for your fictions
While I enjoy my own life
Oh, did I mention?

That I’m in love
With my wonderful wife
And completely enjoying
This crazy life

Maybe you should stop
Flaming out in the night
Embrace your neighbor
And help them with their plight

For humanity is doomed
By humanity’s own hand
For we strive and struggle
To battle over simple land

All you do is
You fight and kill
And you want me to believe
Its not just for the thrill?

None of your Saviors
Would be proud of the way
You wake up in the morning
And do nothing but plot and slay

God gave us this life
To completely enjoy
But you waste it away
To shamefully destroy.

So just stay away
From my life and lease
Because you’ll find nothing here
But wonderful peace.


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Scars of a Past Relationship

There’s nothing quite like the smallest things in the world to make you realize you are happy.  I’ve talked before, about having some bad girlfriends in the past, one the most overall.  Today I want to talk about trust, what it means to me, and what my experiences have been like because of trust, and the lack there of.

I’m currently sitting at my desk, typing away, and the Victoria's Secret Christmas Catalog is sitting so close to me, I’m having to put my trackball/mouse in an awkward position because its in the way.  Its there because it came in the mail today, and we’re going to look through it later and see what all my fiancé might want for Christmas out of it.

Friday, November 16, 2012

(poem - Deeya) - Howl in the Night

For those of you who are reading, or have read Running With Wolves, the third chapter in the Ballad of the Emerald Bard Saga, you know that Aloucia of the Fae, and El'Mindeeya Do'Katal have a 'history' that's alluded to.  The following poem is a song Deeya wrote for Aloucia while they were together, way back when they were first exploring a romance together.  So please enjoy this glimpse into the beginning of their doomed relationship, long before Deeya realized that Aloucia was a being that belonged in the wild, that could never have any form of leash around her neck....


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Great Love

I love random acts of love.  I’m sure most people would simply say we are still in the ‘honeymoon’ phase, but after a year, we are still very much enamored with each other.  There’s nothing quite like sitting here, concentrating on something, then BOOM, being drawn into a kiss.

Much of my poetry of late has been very mushy, and romantic, and centered on Lisa.  The reason is pretty obvious, as I’ve never been so happy.  Finally finding someone that understands me, in her own odd way, has been the greatest gift ever.

Friday, November 2, 2012

(poem) - A short but sweet dedication

I remember a time
When I wasn’t blind
Where life and death
Were not of the same breath

And chocolate tasted
Like life that was bested
And wine it did flow
As the wind did below

Yet now I sit
Blinded by love’s wit
Enjoying life
With an unprecedented wife

Sipping wine from a glass
Eating chocolate in mass
Trying to remember
A time much happier

Yet I simply cannot
For I am simply besot
With a wife who is so fair
And a love that cannot compare

This is my life now
And this is my new vow
We will reap the love that we have sewn
And enjoy the pleasures we have never known


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

Friday, October 26, 2012

(poem) - The End of the World

I swear I will stay with you
As our love is unfurled
Even if we stand
At the end of the world
The sun will set
On another dying day
And I sleep soundly knowing
I loved you in every way

I slip into the dream
And you are waiting for me there
I cannot escape you
For you are everywhere

You smile at me
While I sleep in your arms all curled
Because you know I’ll be there
At the end of the world.

We wake together
Witnessing the sun rise
We know today holds
Absolutely no goodbyes

And as the day goes on
We enjoy it all the more
Because it is each other
Whom we most adore

Around the sun
The clouds have swirled
Shading us together waiting
At the end of the world.

The world may end tomorrow
Yet it may end this day
I know that you will always
Give thanks and pray

For all that we have
And all that we do
Because our most publisised phrase
Is, “Baby, I love you.”

And yet the Earth continues on
Spinning and whirled
And nothing between us changes
Even, at the end of the world.


--Want more Poetry?  Check out my Poetry Collection Page!

((as always, my photography is taken by me, copyright be me, so please do not use without permission))

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